R Todd Inouye

Appreciate your inquiry!!

The intention in offering my products is to enable a deeper connection to practice, no matter what your spiritual lineage might be. Concepts of prayer, mantra and active meditation are relevant in almost every tradition: Eastern, Western and Shamanic practices.

I have a passion for how things are artfully crafted, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than absorbed in making and exploring the energetic value of materials. For me, the creation of sacred objects used to engage with the deeper self is an incredibly rewarding pursuit and practice unto itself!

I'm so very honoured to create heirloom pieces that guide, soothe, enable, and nurture personal growth.

Thank you and blessings forward!!!

  • I've been a professional designer / artist working in graphic design and furniture / interiors for over 35 years.

    Branding and communications are complimented with my passion for designing beautiful useful objects and sensual environments. Fine art originals and limited edition artwork complete the spectrum which my life’s time is dedicated.

    My fascination with Eastern Philosophical traditions and exploring physical pursuits lead me to study and practice in Yoga. From 2001 - 2014 I founded (with significant others) a Yoga studio and community which focused on exploring asana technique, leading immersions, teacher training, and community development programs.

    Sparked by a depth of inquiry and my Japanese Buddhist upbringing, I watched as my father on occasion, strung "juzu" (a wrist mala used in Buddhist mantra practice) I sat with him where he taught me some of the simple techniques and knots used in their design still used today.

    My time is dedicated to my family, serving community, making art and beautiful food. Thank you for supporting the work I love, helping feed my family, nourishing yourself and others in the process.

    Blessings forward!!!

Gratitude and thanks. This site could not be possible without the beautiful contributions of the following photographers listed with their contacts: